Frequently Asked Questions about the Benchmarking Tool

If you have a specific question that has not been addressed below please send an e-mail to
Click a question to reveal the answer

Q1: What does the model do and why was it developed?

Q2: Does the model tell HEIs how much space they should have?

Q3: What drivers are used in the predictions?

Q4: How is the effect of third stream income dealt with?

Q5: What's the difference between the three space predictions?

Q6: Does the model relate to gross or net space?

Q7: Why doesn't the model relate to gross internal area?

Q8: Does it cover the residential estate?

Q9: What is in other support space category?

Q10: Why don't the space sub-categories in the model add up to the EMS total non-residential NIA?

Q11: Are grounds and sports pitches included?

Q12: What about built car parks?

Q13: In addition to central timetabling and space charging, is it possible to model the effect of increasing levels of utilisation on the total estate size?

Q14: Didn't the model used to include a worksheet on space costs as well?

Questions about calculating space needs

Q15: Why didn’t the SMG provide an updated set of space norms for HEIs?

Q16: Did the SMG provide any guidance on how HEIs could set about calculating their space needs?

Q17: Do the AUDE tools supersede the SMG approach?

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